
Is Automotive Technician a Good Job?

Is Automotive Technician a Good Job?

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Automotive technicians, also known as auto techs, service technicians, or mechanics, perform maintenance and repair work on the millions of cars on the road today. But is it a good job for you? Here are five reasons why pursuing a career as an automotive technician could be the right choice.

1. You Like Working With Your Hands

If the idea of sitting at a computer or in a cubicle all day makes you feel a little queasy, you might prefer a job with a little more action. Auto techs spend a lot of time on their feet, moving around, and working with their hands to perform their job duties. If you like the idea of getting your hands a little dirty at work, this could be a great job opportunity for you.

2. You Love Cars

One of the best ways to enjoy your career is to choose a path you’re passionate about. Some people choose their car based on color alone. But if you have an interest in looking a little deeper at the car you drive, the cars your friends drive, the cars you used to drive, the cars you’d love to drive . . . you might really enjoy a job that gives you a chance to do just that every day.

3. You Have Mechanic Inclination

If you like taking things apart and putting them back together, you are probably perfectly suited for work as an auto mechanic. Automotive technicians must have a good understanding of how cars work in order to keep them running well (and to repair them when they’re not). As someone who enjoys figuring out how things work and tinkering with their mechanics, you could find that becoming an auto technician is a great choice.

4. You Appreciate Variety

Every vehicle is different—and so are most days in the life of an automotive technician. While there will be plenty of processes and tasks you will have to repeat, such as basic maintenance tasks like oil changes and tire rotations, every car can bring something a little different. And what worked for one vehicle may not be the right solution for the next. Add in urgent repairs and fixes to regularly scheduled maintenance, and your day can change rapidly.

5. You Like Puzzles

A big part of auto service techs’ job is diagnosing issues, identifying solutions, and solving problems. Customers are often seeking help fixing a vague issue: an unusual sound, a new smell, or a change in handling. Auto techs must do the work to figure out what’s really going on and how to resolve the problem. A penchant for puzzles can be a huge asset for service technicians for this kind of work.

If you enjoy working with your hands, have a passion for cars, or are mechanically inclined, working as an automotive service technician could be the perfect job for you.

Ready to look for career training to become an automotive technician? The Imagine America Foundation has a database of schools you can easily search to find programs in your area. IAF is proud to work with partner institutions like Universal Technical Institute, who offers training programs in a variety of technical fields—including automotive technology.

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