
Top IT Jobs for Your Degree

Top IT Jobs for Your Degree

You’ve earned your certificate or degree in IT and now it’s time to find a job. With so many options out there, knowing all your choices can be a big task to take on.

Luckily you have chosen an in-demand field that can provide you with a rewarding and long-lasting career. As more and more aspects of life are becoming reliant on the IT field, new jobs will continue to be added, leading to substantial job growth in this sector.

The Imagine America Foundation is committed to supporting its students in all aspects of their career training path, including the search for the perfect job after graduation.

Here is a list of our graduates’ top 5 career choices in the IT sector.

Top 5 Jobs for IAF IT Graduates

  1. Network Administrator

Educational Requirements: Degree in network administration or computer science


As a network administrator, it is your job to ensure that a company’s network and communication systems are working correctly throughout the day. To do this, a network administrator will fix network issues, implement and maintain both hardware and software systems, and ensure network security.


With an average annual salary of $57,142 and a growth outlook of 6.1% over the next ten years (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics), a network administrator will work on a team with other administrators to complete their work. Most employers require a bachelor’s degree in order to hold this type of position.


  1. Computer Technical Support Specialist


Educational Requirements: Degree in computer science, information systems, information technology, or computer engineering


Drawing on their vast knowledge of computers, network systems, and other products, a computer technical support specialist earns an average annual salary of $48,309 according to the BLS.


These specialists work in a fast-paced, problem-solving environment to help troubleshoot the computer problems for their company or client. In order to do this, computer technical support specialists must maintain up-to-date certification and knowledge of different programs in order to do their job. With an above-average projected growth of 8.3% over the next ten years, the demand for this type of specialist will be high, which means there will be a lot of opportunities available.

  1. Web Developer


Educational Requirements: Degree in computer science, computer programming, or information systems


Much of what we do on the computer is interacting with various websites. A web developer is in charge of creating and maintaining these websites. Web developers use coding to lay out and optimize websites for their companies or clients.


On average, web developers make $56,005 annually according to the BLS. Over the next ten years, this area is expected to have above-average growth of 15%. With new companies needing websites and more established business needing optimizations for their websites, there will always be plenty of work to be done for web developers.

  1. Information Security Analyst


Educational Requirements: Degree in information security, network security, computer information systems, or computer science


In order for a company to protect its sensitive and proprietary material, they must hire information security analysts to create and maintain security measures to stop cybercrimes against their company. As an information security analyst, it is your job prevent security breaches and to share best practices for preventing security issues with other employees or vendors.


According to the BLS, an information security analyst makes an average annual salary of $70,512 and job growth is projected to be 28.5% over the next year. This faced-paced, ever-changing job is a great way to fight crime while also working with technology.

  1. Mobile Application Developer


Educational Requirements: Degree in information security, network security, computer science, computer information systems, or computer science


With diverse employment opportunities all over the country, a mobile application developer works to create applications that will work with mobile phones and tablets. These individuals must be well versed in working with both Android and iPhone products so they can use multiple programming languages to create their final product.


An average salary for a mobile application developer is $72,066 a year, according to the BLS. This field has a projected above-average growth of 30.7% over the next ten years. Earning a degree in IT today can be a great way to secure a job like this in the future!

We hope you have enjoyed our top 5! Check out more of our content on Information Technology!

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