Aircraft Technician School & Training in Atlanta, Georgia

Aircraft Technician School & Training in Atlanta, Georgia

Are you thinking about pursuing a career as an aircraft or avionics technician in Atlanta? Aviation and aircraft technology can be a great career path if you’re mechanically inclined or interested in aircraft.

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What does an aircraft technician do?

Aircraft mechanics diagnose and repair mechanical and electrical issues, examine and replace parts, test and diagnose problems, and inspect completed work. Avionics technicians test electronic instruments, interpret data, install software, and assemble and maintain components.

How much do aircraft technicians make in Atlanta?

Aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and technicians make an average national salary of more than $61,000 according to May 2017 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Jobs in this position are expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations over the next ten years.

The BLS indicates that the metropolitan area of Atlanta has both one of the highest levels of employment and some of the highest paying jobs for aviation techs in the country: in May 2017, Atlanta had the highest number of aircraft mechanics and service technicians and the third highest annual mean wages, at more than $78,000 per year.

The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA), a civil aviation maintenance trade organization, recently testified in front of Congress that the industry is facing a shortage of trained workers. As Flying magazine  https://www.flyingmag.com/aviation-technician-shortage-gathering-storm notes, “Eighty-two percent of respondents to a recent ARSA survey have had difficulty finding technicians and ARSA projects its members have as many as 2,500 unfilled technical positions.”

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Imagine America and Atlanta Aircraft Technicians

Ready to find the aircraft mechanic or avionics technician career training program in Atlanta that’s right for you? The Imagine America Foundation has a robust network of schools that can support you on your education journey. Career training programs include hands-on training specifically designed to prepare you for the certifications and skills you need to work in the industry.

Plus, IAF even has scholarship and award programs to help lower the cost of tuition when you enroll at our member institutions. These award-winning scholarships and awards are designed to support recent high school graduates, adult learners, and current or honorably discharged military personnel. They help thousands of students attend one of our more than 400 partner campuses each year by providing a $1,000 discount on your tuition. Join Imagine America today and be matched with aviation and aircraft technician schools that offer our scholarship and award programs!

We are committed to helping you find the right program, prepare for successful semesters, and apply for our scholarship and award programs. Check out our website  https://www.imagine-america.org/ and follow our blog today!

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